Sunday, February 10, 2008

Coca Cola Scholorship Awarded to Tina Casares

Researching canidates I found a newspaper article about Tina Casares wherein they go on to show her as a latina with a goal....not only was she awared a scholorship from MANA (Mexican American Women's National Assocation) but also was awarded $1000 Scholorship from Coca Cola.

Now all college applicants and students know it is extremely competive when trying to secure a scholarship, and this is why I stress to others to vote for Tina Casares for Hidalgo County Commisoner Pct. 1 - It is time that we recognize others and vote for change -

The Valley is changing, we should shout out loud NO MORE old school politics - for the sake of change let us allow someone else step in and move us forward into 2008!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Tina Casares

The countdown to early voting has started, with days away from early voting let us reflect on what elections truly should represent. Voting is in place for us (the community) to make a change. It is time for our Community to vote, and the first thing we should consider is our candidates.

I am voting for Tina Casares who is not a stranger to hard work. There is something to be said about a lady who use to be a migrant worker, but overcame those obstacles and obtained a Masters Degree all while raising a family. Tina exemplifies the American dream that Latinas can make a difference.

Vote Early - Let your voice be heard!

Tina (Englantina) Casares awarded Scholarship by MANA, Mexican American Women's National Association

In 1984 Tina Casares was well on her way to achieving her educational goals. The Northwest Chapter of MANA, Mexican American Women's National Association recognized her outstanding achievements in fulfilling her educational goals and proudly awarded her a Scholarship Award.What does MANA do? According to their website MANA empowers Latinas through leadership development, community service, and advocacy. I'm not sure how many other valley political candidates have been recognized by MANA, but I do know that MANA is extremely selective to whom they elect for scholarship awards.Not only is it the duty of each candidate to do their job, it is also important to inform the public of the importance of education. This holds especially true for the Latinos here in America who many are faced with financial hardships. Let's push education for our children, let us continue to allow individuals such as Tina Casares to share their knowledge, skills, and work ethics learned by years of education to help our community.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Early Voting for Hidalgo County

Do not forget to vote - this is a year of great change, as we follow the race for president, lets not forget our own community.